
Rock 'N' Roll Marathon Global Running Day Sale Landing Page

June 7th is celebrated as Global Running Day. The Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Series hosts many activations around this holiday, including their biggest sale date of the year. The overall stakeholder's goal was to break the company’s 25-year record for sales in a single day (over $1,500,000).
View Case Study
Rock 'N' Roll Marathon Series
June 2017
    User Research, Previous Sales Analysis, Sketching, Wireframing, Testing, Iteration,  Lo-Fi Prototype
  • TOOLS:
    Paper, Illustrator, Sketch, Photoshop, InvisionApp
  • ROLE:
    Lo-fi Prototype Design,  Interactive & Visual Design
    Competitor Group Inc.

Design Challenges

After several successful Global Running Day events, sales had come to a stall. Competitor Group Inc, RnR Marathon's parent company, challenged our team to improve sales through a redesign that would lend itself to increased user participation and ultimate shopping goals. Our team decided this could be achieved with:

  1. Improved user interface and experience to make shopping easier and conversion at higher rate.
  2. Focus on mobile experience, as the majority of users were using mobile devices.


After analyzing previous sales data and heat maps from past sales pages, we came up with different iterations of wireframe sketches.


Being that the sale was just one landing page, we had to make sure information was easy to digest. We also had to employ different filters, since there were many different events and distances that were on sale and users needed to be able to sort.We made sure to employ a variety of filters, so that users were able to search and sort through the many different events, including different race distances, prices, dates and locations

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